The St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee is pleased to announce the award winning units of the 2025 Cleveland St. Patrick's Day Parade!
Bagpipe Bands
The Keenan Family Memorial Award
1. Cleveland Fire Fighters Memorial Pipes & Drum
2. Cleveland Police Department Pipes & Drum
3. West Side Irish American Club - Pipes & Drum
Children's Units
The Oliver & Bernadette Murphy, Joan Cavanaugh Memorial Award
1. Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance - Junior Dancers
2. TNT Starlettes
3. Murphy Irish Arts Center - Junior Dancers
Honor Guard
The Joseph "Joe" McCluskey Memorial Award
1. Lakewood Fire Department
2. Cleveland Association of Rescue Employees LOCAL 1975
3. Cleveland Police Department Honor Guard
Marching Units
The William “Bill” & Ann Carney Memorial Award
1. Murphy Irish Arts Center - Senior Dancers
2. Leneghan Academy or Irish Dance - Senior Dancers
3. West Side Irish American Club - Pom Poms
Non-School Bands
The Jack McDonough Memorial Award
1. West Side Irish American Club - Senior Fife & Drum
2. Irish American Club - East Side Jack McDonough Memorial Fife & Drum
3. West Side Irish American Club - Junior Fife & Drum
Novelty Units
The Kevin J. McCluskey Memorial Award
1. Lake Metroparks
2. Ohio Wheelmen
3. St. Helen Unicycle Drill Team
Parade Theme Floats
The Joe & Julia Burke Memorial Award
1. Irish American Club - East Side
2. West Side Irish American Club
3. Mooney & Sons Towing Company
Precision Drill Units
The Homan & Corcoran Families Memorial Award
1. West Side Irish American Club - Ladies Drill Team
2. Not Awarded
3. Not Awarded
School Bands
The John & Patricia Campbell Memorial Award
1. Kenton Ridge High School Marching Cougar Band
2. St. Vincent - St. Mary Fighting Irish High School Band & Irish Dancers
3. Mayfield High School Marching Band
Best Children's Unit
Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance - Junior Dancers
Best Unit of Parade
West Side Irish American Club - Ladies Drill Team
The Thomas F. McManamon Executive Directors Cup
To Be Announced at the 2025 Parade Banquet
The Raymond "Rip" & Mary Reilly Memorial Directors Emeritus Award
To Be Announced at the 2025 Parade Banquet
The William F. Chambers Memorial Deputy Directors Award
To Be Announced at the 2025 Parade Banquet
The St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee is pleased to announce the award winning units of the 2024 Cleveland St. Patrick's Day Parade!
Bagpipe Bands
The Lonnie McCauley Memorial Award
1. Cleveland Fire Fighters Memorial Pipes & Drums
2. Cleveland Police Memorial Pipes & Drums
3. Irish American Club - East Side Pipes & Drums
Children's Units
The Gerry Lavelle Memorial Award
1. Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance Junior Dancers
2. Irish American Club - East Side Pom Pom Unit
3. West Side Irish American Club Majorettes & Flag
Honor Guard
The Joseph "Joe" McCluskey Memorial Award
1. US Navy
2. Lakewood Fire Department Honor Guard
3. Cleveland Police Department Honor Guard
Marching Units
The William “Bill” & Ann Carney Memorial Award
1. Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance - Senior Dancers
2. Murphy Irish Arts Center - Senior Dancers
3. Irish American Club - East Side Flag Corps
Non-School Bands
The Jack McDonough Memorial Award
1. West Side Irish American Club Senior Fife & Drum
2. Irish American Club - East Side Jack McDonough Memorial Fife & Drum
3. West Side Irish American Club Junior Fife & Drum
Novelty Units
The Shirley Chambers Memorial Award
1. St. Helen Unicycle Drill Team
2. Ohio Wheelmen
3. Lake Metroparks
Parade Theme Floats
The Joe & Julia Burke Memorial Award
1. Irish American Club - East Side
2. West Side Irish American Club
3. Corrigan Family
Precision Drill Units
The Retired/Retireable Irish Police Memorial Award
1. West Side Irish American Club Drill Team
2. Ohio Celtic Nations Drill Team
3. Not Awarded
School Bands
The John & Patricia Campbell Memorial Award
1. Mayfield High School Marching Band
2. Notre Dame Cathedral Latin High School Band
3. St. Ignatius High School Marching Band
Best Children's Unit
Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance Junior Dancers
Best Unit of Parade
Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance Senior Dancers
The Thomas F. McManamon Executive Directors Cup
Katie McCluskey
The Raymond "Rip" & Mary Reilly Memorial Directors Emeritus Award
Lamar Advertising
The William F. Chambers Memorial Deputy Directors Award
Enterprise Data Solutions, Inc.
The St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee is pleased to announce the award winning units for the 2023 Cleveland St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Bagpipe Bands
The Lonnie McCauley Memorial Award
1. Cleveland Police Department Memorial Pipes & Drums
2. Irish American Club - East Side Pipes & Drums
3. West Side Irish American Club Pipes & Drums
Children's Units
The Gerry Lavelle Memorial Award
1. Irish American Club - East Side Pom Poms
2. Murphy’s Irish Arts Center Children’s Unit
3. West Side Irish American Club Flags & Majorettes
Honor Guard
The Joseph "Joe" McCluskey Memorial Award
1. Lakewood Fire Department Honor Guard
2. Cleveland Police Department Honor Guard
3. Cleveland Fire Department Honor Guard
Marching Units
The William “Bill” & Ann Carney Memorial Award
1. Murphy’s Irish Arts Center - Senior Dancers
2. West Side Irish American Club Pom Poms
3. Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance Senior Dancers
Non-School Bands
The Jack McDonough Memorial Award
1. The Ohio National Guard’s 122nd Army Band
2. The 73rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment Band
3. West Side Irish American Club Senior Fife & Drum Corps
Novelty Units
The Robert M. Fitzgerald Memorial Award
1. Lake Metroparks
2. Irish Wolfhounds of N.E. Ohio
3. Cleveland Cycle Tours
Parade Theme Floats
The Joe & Julia Burke Memorial Award
1. West Side Irish American Club
2. Irish American Club - East Side
3. Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance
Precision Drill Units
The Retired/Retireable Irish Police Memorial Award
1. West Side Irish American Club Ladies Drill Team
2. St. Helen Unicycle Drill Team
3. Celtic Nations Society of Norther Ohio
School Bands
The Gaelic Cultural Awareness Award
1. St. Ignatius High School Marching Band
2. Canton McKinley High School Marching Band
3. St. Vincent - St. Mary Fighting Irish Marching Band
Best Children's Unit
The Irish American Club - East Side Pom Poms
Best Unit of Parade
The Ohio National Guard’s 122nd Army Band
The Thomas F. McManamon Executive Directors Cup
Patricia Lavelle
The Raymond "Rip" & Mary Reilly Memorial Directors Emeritus Award
Timothy Dunphy
The William F. Chambers Memorial Deputy Directors Award
Anna Maria Masterson
The St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee is pleased to announce the award winning units for the 2022 Cleveland St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Bagpipe Bands
The Lonnie McCauley Memorial Award
1. Cleveland Fire Fighters Memorial Pipes & Drums
2. Cleveland Police Department Memorial Pipes & Drums
3. West Side Irish American Club Pipes & Drums
Children's Units
The Gerry Lavelle Memorial Award
1. Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance
2. Murphy’s Irish Arts Center
3. Irish American Club - East Side Pom Pom Unit
Honor Guard
The Oliver & Bernadette Murphy & Joan Cavanaugh Memorial Award
1. Lakewood Fire Department
2. Cleveland Police Department Honor Guard
3. US Navy Honor Guard
Marching Units
The William “Bill” & Ann Carney Memorial Award
1. Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance
2. Murphy Irish Arts Center
3. West Side Irish American Club Pom Poms
Non-School Bands
The James, Anna Rita & Maurita Kilbane Memorial Award
1. West Side Irish American Club Senior Fife & Drum
2. Irish American Club - East Side Jackie McDonough Fife & Drum
3. West Side Irish American Club Junior Fife & Drum
Novelty Units
The Keenan Family Memorial Award
1. Wickliffe Percussion Band
2. St. Helen Unicycle Drill Team
3. TIE
Tender Touch Equine
TNT Starlettes
Parade Theme Floats
The Joe & Julia Burke Memorial Award
1. Irish American Club - East Side
2. West Side Irish American Club
3. The Corrigan Family
Precision Drill Units
The Retired/Retireable Irish Police Memorial Award
1. West Side Irish American Club Ladies Drill Team
2. Irish American Club - East Side Ladies Drill Team
3. Royal Canadian Legion Drill Team
School Bands
The Gaelic Cultural Awareness Award
1. Canton McKinley High School Band
2. St. Ignatius High School Band
3. St. Edward High School Band
Best Children's Unit
Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance
Best Unit of Parade
Irish American Club - East Side Float
The Thomas F. McManamon Executive Directors Cup
Michael Keenan
The Raymond "Rip" & Mary Reilly Memorial Directors Emeritus Award
Art Frindt
The William F. Chambers Memorial Deputy Directors Award
Thomas Mulloy
2019 Parade Winners
The St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee is pleased to announce the award winning units for the 2019 Cleveland St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Bagpipe Bands
The Lonnie McCauley Memorial Award
1. West Side Irish American Club Pipe & Drum
2. Cleveland Fire Fighters Police Memorial Pipe & Drums
3. TIE
Cleveland Police Memorial Pipe & Drums
Irish American Club - East Side Pipes & Drums